Monday, February 1, 2010

Playing Catch Up, not Ketchup

Yeah I know. I haven't been around. You called, and I didn't pick up. You came over and I wasn't around. We made plans and I bailed. I'm sorry.
This is why.

As per usual, my life does not go without some kind of activity.
I totalled my car two weeks before Christmas (black ice/mother nature/bad luck) front of a Church no less.

Then it was Christmas. And I was surprisingly poor. But watching people skate around VicPark made me smile :)

Then I had to buy a new car. This is a pic off the net, not my actual car although it's quite similar. As a result of this, I was poorer once again. But it's another 5-speed so I'm happy about that.

Then there was New Years. And I got snowed in my GF's loft for 2 days.

Then my other girlfriend Mel lost her baby (see previous post of her from the summer). Following that, a funeral for little Isabella.

Then I lost my 9-5er due to the economy.

Then I decided I would finish my kitchen.

Then I put down the brush and penned out a list of Things To Do for the first quarter of 2010.
Then I sat down and wrote this blog.
Because our relationship is important too.

H'alot's gone on as you can see. I've had to balance things, and process loss, and move forward with new plans. Losing my job oddly enough was a blessing in disguise because now I can invest all this time and energy into urbanLove. You have NO idea the plans I've planned :D

I'm living life with so much vibrancy and positivity that it's almost scary how great I feel. I lost my job right when I am in a MOUNTAIN of debt (separation + new car = $$$), and somehow I'm friggin' happy! I don't know HOW I know this, but I know I will come out on top and find true success in the coming months.

I've rekindled my passion for writing and am loving this new relationship with photography. I'm drawing and painting and smiling and laughing and raising my kids and paying my bills (I budget like a MOFO so even tho I lost my job, I've saved for a Rainy Day and this is my Rainy Day so I will be okay for a while). Life really is good. Just like GE said :)

Speaking of rekindling...Nick and I have been getting along nicely for quite a while now. We are better friends now than we ever were so it's nice to be able to say "Yeah I'm taking the kids over so we can all have a roast beast for dinner" or "Yeah he's coming over to help me with priming my kitchen." A great deal of people cannot say that they get along with their former partners. I'm glad I can with him. But I am also close with Jake too so it's obvious the ex's that matter, are still my friends ;)

Hmm what else...well, that seems to be it! I promise I will try and keep in touch more often but in all reality, until the kitchen is complete and my office is set up and organized, and certain urbanLovely things are launched you may not see me for a little while. I know, sad. I'll miss you too! But I'll be back, promise!

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