Thursday, January 14, 2010

I heart Adam Lambert...

…and subsequently Perez Hilton for introducing me to him.

OK so back in the day, the day being last year sometime, my step-mom calls me up and in an excited rush she demanded to know if I’ve watched any epi’s of Idol. I rolled my eyes and declined any interaction. In other words, I said no, it was cheese, I didn't watch it.

She went on about how there was a nice young “fella”, handsome as can be, who was very talented and that I should check him out.
When I reiterated the lack of interest in Idol, she suggested I at least YouTube him.
Gave me his name.
Adam something.
"Sure Mom...later" I said.

A couple weeks later the phone rang and I was pretty much bombarded with the same enthusiastic intro of “haveyouwatchedIdolyetorwhat?”
Again I said no. I was getting good at this whole saying No thing…too bad I didn’t invest this kind of vocabulary in high school when dating season came upon me…oops, another story for another time.

“OMG, Lees! You have to watch him! Even if it’s just him! He makes the show what it is! He’s fantastic! I get chills every time I hear him sing! This boy’s gonna win, I just know it.”

Well, haven’t we all heard that at some point in life? “So and so’s quite talented you should check them out” only to be mildly disappointed that they didn’t hit the right pitch or they wore way too bright of pink spandex shorts or simply they just weren’t as attractive as you had envisioned…yeah, cause that always helps. The cuteness factor. It really does!

Again, I sluffed it off. Figured whoever he was, would make it to the Top 10 with or without my vote. And really, I can’t stand watching Idol. I don’t know if it’s the judges, judging, or just the fact I always thought it was over-rated.

Time passes, and this Adam Lambert fella comes in second place. I honestly didn’t start paying attention to him until he lost out on first place at Idol. I saw a picture of him on PerezHilton cause well, I loves me my daily dose of drama!

There were what seemed hourly updates about how he was robbed of the title, about how the voters seemed still too closeted about open Homosexuals appearing as front runners and well, idols, and of course about how “seksi” he was. Ok so I finally checked him out.

And yeah, I’ve been in lurve with him ever since. Adam’s got a real edge to him. Honestly the whole jet black hair and jet black eye liner and come-hither that is seeping from his eyes does it for me. But when he sings…guess my Mom was right all along: chillz ladies. Chillz.

I saw his appearance on the AMA’s and was totally blown away by his raw talent and how finally someone pushed the envelope of entertainment. Two men making out on live television?? It’s about time, that’s all I gotta say.

I’ve read interviews he’s done, and Adam, albeit a young fella, sure is aware of his persona, his soul, and his surroundings in regards to his sexuality and how others perceive him. And rightly so! It shouldn’t matter that he's gay, because it’s his art that should be capturing people’s attention and respect, not who he wants to throw his ding-dong in.

So yes. I love me some Adam Lambertathon. Eyeliner and all…