Wednesday, January 21, 2009

All things green...

Not sure if you heard about this or not; if you are a girlfriend/fan/know of George Stroumboulopoulos, you will probably have heard about the One Million Acts of Green. I watch the Hour so I know these things, lol.

Might I say it's about time someone created such a fun and easy task to help our environment! You can read more at and see what you can do to help.
I am.
I recycle, use energy saving light bulbs, and shut the lights off when I leave the room. We also compost our vegetable waste, and use eco-friendly products to clean our home.
I rock..I know! :)

So the question is...what's YOUR act of green?

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Holy oh my goodness!

I'm so sorry, I haven't written in FOREVER. Since last year! I can officially say that now I guess, lol!

I'm soooo busy with with line expansion. The more I work on it the more I hone my skills and pump out some great stuff! I cannot wait for the unveiling!

I knew initally it would be alot of work, but of course comes with interruptions from daily life and of course, the holiday rush. So the launch is still coming it just may take a few more weeks so please be patient, it will come!! :)

Anwyays, just a quick hello from me to soon!