Friday, November 7, 2008

Saturday Morning Cartoons :)

If you grew up in the 80’s like I did, I’m sure you remember with fondness the greatness otherwise known as Saturday Morning cartoons.

Here I’ve compiled a list of cartoons that I watched with deep fascination; an imagination so bold that it was to the point where I could almost see myself living their lives amongst mushroom huts and tree trunks and the concert stage.
You’ll understand what I mean in a moment.

But these cartoons shaped my imagination as a child, they made me believe, they made my mind expand and ultimately, made me be the imaginative genius I am today.
Yeah. Over a cartoon.
Well, they were really great!

You may recognize some of these cartoons, or maybe not, but either way I had a great time when I was a kid in the 80’s. Teletoon Retro has now enabled me to revisit that time. Woot!

The Smurfs – I didn’t clue into this until I was a teenager, but think about it: one girl living amongst an all-male village. I think you know where I am going with this one…and don’t you think that Handy Smurf could have been a precursor to Mike Holmes?

The Gummi Bears – these cute and fun characters were a joy to watch and during the intro when they slid down the trunk of the tree I could almost feel the wind whipping through my hair and my stomach do a somersault.

The Barbapapas – Lickity Split Barba Trick! LOVED this cartoon, I don’t know why, but I did. Maybe because they were enabled with the ability to mold themselves into any object. How acrobatic of them! ::tries to lift leg over head…can’t…quite…do it…::

Fables of the Green Forest – I used to live in the country as a child and go exploring amongst the forest for hours. I could smell the nature in the air, see the sun shine through the trees with a beauty that only the forest could give, and hear the chipmunks and squirrels flutter about the leaf-laden floor. Watching this show made me want to be a small animal so I could spend my days running up and down trees and in and out of hollow trunks.

Jem and the Holograms – the ultimate 80’s girl band cartoon. Yeah ok and probably the only one. Regardless, an awesome show. Watching Jem made me wanna rock out like Madonna and shop at the malls like I had all the money in the world. A girl’s dream come true: music and clothes and the love of a hottie boyfriend.
I dunno, that’s what I got from it. 

Sesame Street – not technically a cartoon, it was still great to watch, as I swayed my head from side to side during the intro song. And somehow even then I knew that Gordon and Susan were getting’ it on. Don’t ask how, I just knew, ya know? And how addictive is the 12 song? “1234 5 6789 10 11 12, do dododo do do! Twelve!”

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