I thoroughly enjoy to great depths, random spontaneous road trips that get me lost and take me on adventures.
And I have been going on road trips lately but they have not been random nor spontaneous, as they've had purpose. But they have, by all accounts, been adventurous!
So I bought a car, new to me but almost new and had a 30 day full warranty on it. Well wouldn't you know that 5 days before said warranty expires my car decides to not start AND shudder when I'm coasting around 2500 rpm, regardless of what gear I am in.
I call up the dealership in which I bought it from, Haldimand's, and brought it in for a look-see. They looked. They see'd. They found nothing in regards to the non-starting but were able to diagnose and correct the shudder (MAF Sensor). Of course! Because what generally happens is your car only acts up when a mechanic is NOT within arms reach. I know how it all works, lol.
But for the hour they did have it, I decided to take a little jaunt into town to see what Cayuga really had to offer other than the fly-by-night appearance of Kevin Bacon a few years back for some 5 minute appearance in an after-school-special type movie that I think went straight to DVD; if I remember correctly. I guess that whole Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon theory really DOES exist!
I stumbled across the most adorable little bookstore on, I swear, the smallest "main street" in Ontario, with the most adorable little lady who owned and operated it: Lorna Walker.

Walking in you automatically feel like you belong there. Or maybe that's just me and my love for books and literacy and writing and sniffing the inside spines of old books...? OMG did I just type that out loud? Oops.
Either way, it's a cozy little spot to be with only 2 main rows of books along the walls and a few small tables in the centre of the establishment that display all sorts of titles and words and authors.

Lorna ^^, who had just arrived to open for the day, slides off her coat and slings it over the back of a wooden chair that has seen better days. She offers me a cup of coffee and not one to decline a free drink, I accept.
I do not drink coffee by nature, I'm a tea girl all the way but I am courteous so I took the little China mug in my little hands, and dropped in 2 sugar cubes, added a sploosh of milk and sipped away while I perused the Poetry section. I was starting to think that this was better than Chapters...
Lorna and I bantered along nicely, as if we were old friends. It was really nice being in her company.
She asked if I would like to warm up behind the counter and sit at her small antique-looking desk as it was right near a large furnace vent. I accepted of course, because I get cold very easily and appreciate it when people, friends or strangers in this case, offer to aid in my warmth :)
I spent damn near the whole hour in there looking at all the books, waiting to see which spines popped out at me with colourful covers and attention-grabbing titles. I can usually tell if I will be interested in a book by the title alone. I think most people are. Kudos for a decent intro written on the inside panel of the cover.
She asked where I came from, what I was doing in town, and a whole gamut of other borderline-personal questions driven by obvious curiosity of this new stranger passing through in town. Had it been anyone else I may have been slightly more cautious about divulging certain aspects of my life to someone I didn't know, but it was her tone, her demeanour and her wording that allowed me to relax and end up story-telling her my autobio in the time frame of about 10 minutes :)
I have no doubt that once the weather improves I will return to Cayuga, to this Neat Little Bookshop and visit the space once again, this time being prepared to have coffee: 2 sugars and a sploosh of milk :)
Thank you Lorna, hope to see you soon!
Maybe I'll bring tea and you can try some of my favourite drink!
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