urbanLove was able to take part over the weekend in a great opportunity to help raise money for Breast Cancer. It was also a great way to meet new people and network. All bases covered.
It took place at Weezi's Design and Fashion above St. Albert's diner in Londontown on Sunday October 25th. I had received an invite to attend the event via Facebook on a Monday evening and after reading in detail about the fund raiser and what would be taking place, I just knew I had to do something to help out.
I mean, I have breasts. Obviously. Small ones too, but if ever I were to lose them I would be devastated. And for those who are suffering through that traumatic time, I think they would like to take some kind of comfort knowing that others; friends, family, strangers alike, came together for a day to support the cause.
I emailed Lisa, the creator of the event, and cc'd Dana Brushette, the photographer (which I've had the honour of working with not once, but twice in the past for personal family portraits) who had both come together to create a truly beautiful calendar that was photographed by Dana. I asked what I could do to help.
I immediately began to brainstorm ideas because well...that's what I do. When I'm focused on something you can rarely take me away from it nor do I suggest you try because I can turn quite cranky if interrupted. Which is why I don't do ANY art until after my children are asleep :)
I sketched out ideas for layout designs and harmonizing captions for a couple hours. By midnight, my yawns had grown into full-blown tiredness but thankfully I had the initial design for the greeting cards down pat. I just needed a witty caption that tied it all together.
The following night on Tuesday, I worked diligently on the cards that last minute I decided to make into postcards. I drew and sketched, eye dropper tool'd and coloured, anchor noded and pen tool'd.
Finally, after what seemed to be forever, I sat back, staring at the screen trying to finalize a witty caption. As I zoomed out the image on the screen, after spending about an hour drawing and tweeking and adjusting lines and colours, it came to me.
"Like a good bra, I support you."
So anti-Hallmark too! LOVES IT!
I typed it in, situated it in the centre of the card, picked a font that suited the design overall, hit save, and then started on the bookmarks.
Yes...I also donated some funky awesome bookmarks.
I mean, I could have just as easily gone the el cheapo route and dropped in a 3 cent business card in the bags. But of course, my mind stretches with ideas once I'm locked in that zone, and moments after the postcard save, I thought up the awesome idea to make hand-made unique bookmarks. Because everyone should spend an hour in Chapters to find their next good read and have a neat little bookmark to accompany it! :) See? urbanLove promotes literacy too!! Coolbeans!
Anyways, I was up till 1am that night. WOW. Tired much Lisa?? But it was worth it because the bookmark designs turned out pretty freakin' cool too!
I officially sent all the files to my printer at around twenty after one, and then retired to my bed. I don't even remember laying down I was that tired...maybe I didn't even make it to my bed, I can't recall, lol. Maybe it was the pile of laundry...hell I didn't care, I was too tired, lol.
The next day was chaos. I have a 9-5'er as well, so I couldn't do anything about my little stationery bits and bobs until after work. Once I picked up my kids from school and daycare, we headed the next city over to purchase supplies. I pretty much found everything in one spot, for a decent, round price.
We headed home and I did the MomThing and decided that since the bookmarks were probably going to take the better part of the night to assemble, I rewarded myself with a night off to relax. So when the kiddies were in bed, so was I.
Thursday night.
My 12 year old daughter and I sat down in the living room at 9pm promptly and I had all the supplies laid out before me on the coffee table, like a cute little assembly line. As we watched Grey's Anatomy and Private Practice, we both worked silently on the bookmarks, intertwining wire and jute and adding little embellishments. It was great spending this time with her; a nice Mother-Daughter evening in! :)
By 11pm all the bookmarks were completed; close to a hundred. Holy stamina! The stationery set I was donating was ready to go and the postcards were trimmed to size and the bookmarks coupled with the above, were ready to become a part of the Boobie Bags!
Saturday afternoon we dropped them off to Lisa and chatted like excited little school girls about the following day. I could not wait! Neither could she! Someone gimmie a woot woot!
Fast forward to Sunday afternoon...we walked up the flight of stairs to Weezi's studio and entered a whole other realm or rather that's what it felt like. Pink.vintage.retro.everything everywhere. A table was set up with all the donatables, and then in another area, the Boobie Bags.
We chatted with others, perused the clothes and funky hand-made vintage fashions, and had some yummy cupcakes and!! PopShoppe pop!! OMG! I totally remember having that when I was a kid! Horrah!
By the time my daughter and I had left, which was close to an hour later, we had some parting gifts and smiles on our faces knowing that all our hard work, even though it was in the form of twine, wire, and card stock, was going to a good cause. Go team Us!
If you would like to see what kind of awesome retro fashions and pieces that Weezi's offers, you can check her out at www.weezi.com.
The talented Pin-Up photography queen that is Dana Brushette can be found at www.danabrushette.com. Please check them both out - I implore you! :D
Can't wait to work with you ladies again!!
1 comment:
Great post - enjoyed reading it :)
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