Holy AND cow!
What just happened recently (I can't say 'days ago' because it's actually been in the making for about a month) to urbanLove was HUGE!
We landed a display space at the tremendously unique and awesome gift store, Gift of Art, on Richmond Row, London Ontario!!
If my mouth could stretch across my face wider than what my jaw would allow, I'd do it! Because that's how happy I am!!
OK let's start at the beginning because that's always a good place to begin, so as not to confuse the locals, lol...
Around July 20th, I was sitting here thinking of ways to advertise effectively and how else to get my name out there other than bridal shows (which although are alot of FUN, are also kinda costly) and pinning my business card on local community boards across the tri-city area. When I say tri-city, I mean Aylmer/St.Thomas/London. Disclaimer: I realize Aylmer is NO where near the size of a metropolis, but we ARE google-able. So that counts.
I began thinking about how they did it back in the day: pounding the pavement, cold calling, that sorta deal. Hey, you hafta start somewhere. I thought of all the places I wanted to network, day-dreaming about being in certain stores in the area, and achieving world peace.
Gift of Art crossed my mind. I was introduced to this store by sheer accident and chance many years ago; I was in a coffee shop waiting for my tea and glanced down. Staring up at me was a picture of a man standing outside of his store. It was an article in the business section of the London Free Press about a store that offered Canadian art and gift alternatives to what you see in mass-produced big box stores.
After scanning the article, I felt something warm in my chest and no it wasn't just the hot tea going down my throat...it was this sensation to want to see this store in person. After all, it mentioned one thing I loved: art. I immediately felt the desire to maneuver my car through downtown traffic to this little piece of heaven.
So I did.
It's a small store that is so beautifully decorated by pieces of art that it took me a minute to gather myself. It was candy to my eyes! Bright bold acrylic paintings adorned the walls, trendy little trinkets filled the store, and colour and art was alive and kicking in this small space.
There were pieces I've never seen before and never will again; which is the beauty to Gift of Art. Nothing is mass-produced, but everything is 100% original.
No where else will you see 3-D heart-shaped paper weights made out of blown glass that is hand painted with such detail and skill. No where else will you see steel that is twisted and contorted to make gorgeous eccentric wall hangings.
And what's even better, is that ALL the art is Canadian made, with at least 25% of the inventory being from right in the London area. How's THAT for keeping business local??
Awesome, that's what.
I knew then, in that moment of kid-in-a-candy-store/Lisa-in-an-art-store that I either wanted to own this place one day, as silly as that sounds, or somehow become a part of it.
Who knew. Funny how life works out eh?
I would try to visit the store each summer as part of my secret rendezvous with Richmond Row but had no idea that one day my designs would be displayed in Gift of Art.
Fast-forward to July 2009; I called up Gift of Art that sunny July afternoon and spoke with Brad, the owner, for all of 4 minutes seeing as though he was closing for the day in 5 minutes. I told him quickly of my business, what I am trying to do with it, and if he was interested to peruse my website.
Which he did.
And was impressed with my portfolio. He suggested I come in and we talk shop in person.
So I scheduled it for the day after the Hip concert since I was going to be in town anyways. I dressed in a cute dark fuchsia top that I bought at le Tarjay, and a nice pressed pair of black pants (that I got from Value Village for $5 - not ashamed at all to admit I shop at thrift stores, I mean seriously have you BEEN there recently?).
I gathered up my portfolios, my keys and my smile and headed out into the warmth that was the 10am sun.
Arriving at the store, I was so totally nervous. To me, this was a little piece of heaven and there was a part of me that wanted to just toss my credit card on the counter and shop till the plastic melted from all the swiping.
'Ah, patience my friend' my conscience said gently.
'Move forward, for great things await you grasshopper' followed my internal Mr. Miyagi.
I greeted Brad with a thousand watt smile laced with 500 watts of nervousness, said 'hello I made it' (duh, obv. Lisa), and set my portfolios down on his counter.
Initially, he said I would probably only be there for 15 minutes...
An hour later I walked out beaming as he not only boosted my confidence that day, but placed an order for me to create wedding cards that would be sold exclusively in Gift of Art AND offered me an area in his store for me to display my invitations.
As we brainstormed over ideas and signage and businessy things, I could see that he was a well versed and secure business man, yet at the same time, completely cool to just hang out and talk shop with as well.
Since that day, I've printed off the wedding cards and assembled them, complete with Card Candy as I call it (aka Swarovski crystals that adorn certain designs), created/printed/and displayed posters in gorgeous bold black frames, and commissioned my co-worker Eldon Peters (yes, I have a 9 to 5 as well) to manufacture me a sign made out of expanded metal and galvanized steel.
See attached. Hell, see all the attached photos, they pretty much tell the story! :)
Currently we are tying up loose ends; I've printed and assembled by hand some cute-n-colourful labels for my display, I've worked on a new design for his bag stuffers as I am doing some marketing work for him, and I've also had time enough to spit out the new urbanLove catalogues! Which Brad will have on display in Gift of Art as well.
Rock-freakin'-on, yo!
It's SUCH an ago boost to see your art on display in a prominent and well-liked store. To see my passion on the walls does wonders for my psyche. To have someone believe in me...priceless.
So here's to a new venture in both our lives ::cheers clink::
Gift of Art is located at
575 Richmond Street
London Ontario
Mon-Wed: 10am-6pm
Thu: 10am-7pm
Fri-Sat: 10am-6pm
Sun: 12pm-5pm
1 comment:
Lisa: All I can say is that I'm totally blown away. Thanks for all the cool things you wrote about in your blog about Gift of Art.
I didn't know there was such a back story prior to our meeting each other officially.
Your card collection is very well done and is an amazing addition to everything else we do here.
We love trying new things and finding new artists - thanks for being a part of it all.
Brad Scrinko
Gift of Art
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