Friday, February 20, 2009

Something Fun To Do

So I’m sitting here one day thinking that I would love to finally get a handwriting analysis done. I did some quick googling and found a lady in London who’s been doing it professionally for about 30 years. Her name is Diann Vail and she’s got a Bachelor of Arts in the area of document examining; she’s a certified Graphoanalyst. Wow that’s a big word for a small girl like me! I’m going to use that word in conversations in the future so I sound smart in my social circles, lol.

Diann has done work for the police, for court proceedings and for little people like myself. I contacted her after perusing her website ( to set up a time that I could come see her. She suggested that since I was from out of town that we could do all correspondence via email. “How convenient!” I thought.

What she requires is for you to submit a page or two about anything that comes off the top of your head in handwritten formation and for a fee she would analyze it and send the summary back to you.

So I did.
I wrote about how I started out as a writer at the tender age of about 12; I was in the 7th grade. I didn’t want to write anything that was too autobiographical because let’s be honest, she could just tell me what I already told her and that’s no fun. I wanted to write something that was important to me but something that didn’t shed too much light onto who I was in general. I mean, that was up to her to tell me, right?

It took a couple of weeks. I waited with baited breath as I was so excited to get something like this done. I’m into these kind of things; psychics, palm readings, etc. If anything, it’s for fun. But it’s also quite shocking to see how close in proximity these total strangers are in telling you about yourself and the world around you.

It was a pretty indepth analysis. She told me some things I already knew about myself and other things that I hadn’t thought about before, but were correct. It was very personal but I can tell you this: according to my handwriting, I am a creative independent soul who lives in the moment and is a people person. Sounds general right?

She goes on to explain other aspects of myself such as I’m the type of person who can show interest in what’s going on around me but yet at the same time, I am able to carefully tend to the details. It’s true!
I’m also mindful of my own needs and abilities before I rush into anything; relationships, jobs, contracts. In other words I'm the type that thinks things through.

Getting this analysis done was a great moment for me, it was like a breath of fresh air. Something fun and engaging. Something that makes you think. And I like to think.

Diann was very polite and easy to deal with. She’s knows her stuff that’s for sure. If you think you would like to get this done for yourself, I mean why not, you can contact her at the abovementioned website address. Tell her I sent ya! :)

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