Tis' the season for the annual Jolly Family SummerFest.
OK, I don't know if that's the proper term because this was my first year in attendance, but hey, that's what I'm calling it. So there. :)
So every July the Jolly family (seriously, that's their real name...now get over it) holds this gathering of family and friends who all celebrate birthdays or something special in the month of July.
Seeing as though my sister Katy has a birthday in July and has literally been another sibling to the Jolly brood since she was a wee lassie of 4 years old, she was of course invited to this backyard shindig. And seeing as though I've been close with the family too (Paula refers to me as her sister; we might as well be) and had the car to drive Katy, the invite extended to moi. Cause I'm a cool cat too ;)
The house was teeming with excitement and people and laughter and conversation and introductions and of course: LOTS of delicious food that would put the honorary Chef Gordon Ramsey to shame...speaking of which, Hells Kitchen is on as I blog this...better hurry...
So yeah. Food. People. Good times. Memories. And...lawn bowling. Never played it in my life and good Lord, might I say how much FUNNNNN it was!! OMG!!! SO much fun that it caused me to exhibit my goofy side (see attached pic). Cause that's what happens when I get in my element and get comfortable: the REAL Lisa comes out! :)