Yes! You read me right, yet another bridal show under my belt! I am really liking them, they prove to be a great way to spend an afternoon, or at least for me anyways!
It started off as a good day. My girlfriend Nicole came to help out for the day to see what all the fuss was about. She was nice enough to bring flowers for the table as well as suckers! And who doesn't like suckers?
We packed up her car and sped off down the country road on our way to the St. Thomas Golf and Country Club, gossiping the whole way about people places and things. There are some things I learned about her and a couple things she learned about me as well. It was great conversation between two great people.
So we get to the venue about 20 minutes before doors opened and I was non-stresed. I had all my gear and time to set up and possibly introduce myself to other vendors before perching myself at my booth. Life was good.
We hauled everything in and began to set up. I reached down to grab my portfolios when my hand went through a space of air.
Panick set in immediately as I frantically looked around hoping to God I wasn't stupid enough to forget the ONE thing that I was there to show off!
And I was.
So we left the rest of the set up as it was, half way done. Jumped in her car and sped back to my house. Yes, we were clocking speeds I won't mention but we made it to my house and back, which would have normally took close to 45 minutes in about half an hour. I was freaking out a little (actually, alot) the whole time too, lol!
Upon returning to the club, Nicole looked at me and said "Okay we are only 15 minutes late, all we gotta do is set the portfolios up on the table, are you still stressed because you shouldn't be now."
I let out a sigh of relief and said I was no longer stressed. She cracked up laughing for some strange reason and says to me "Good Lees, because to be honest with you I was freaking out the whole time too but I knew if you knew that it would have made it worse!"
We had a good laugh, ran inside and set up. Done in about 3 minutes. From the looks of things it wasn't too busy and it didn't get busy until about half an hour into it so I was relieved.
But in my defense, even the most organized people have an off day! :) I'm allowed!
Nicole was an amazing help! She came up with little things to put in my schpeel and we had a great time. We met a nice n' super cool photographer named David Irvine who is going to do head shots for me; he's really good, his work speaks for himself. You can check it out at www.jdwiphotography.com.
And we even watched an entertaining game of golf by a long golfer out on the greens mid way through the day!
But for future reference I am now going to incorporate and use a list of items for me to bring.
Silly me.
It won't happen again, that's for sure!
And yes, just so you know, the suckers were a hit!